Deforestation, land use; planning, optimal stock of forestAbstract
Most developing countries rely on their natural resources that they harness and export. Over time, pressure
on those natural resources escalates and social and economic welfare of people deteriorate. In Benin,
agriculture is among the major sources of income. Several governments have put emphasis, through policies
and regulations, on the promotion of agricultural sector. However, agricultural development impedes on
forest preservation and soil conservation. Our study aims at analyzing the role of forest and proposing a
planning model of land use in order to restore and conserve forests and agricultural soils in Benin. For this
purpose, a linear optimization model was used and relevant variables such as forest areas, reforested areas
and agricultural areas were identified and collected over 25 years (1990-2015). The results of the study
showed that real forest stock was under the optimal level since 1984, this is to imply that soils and forests
have not been used efficiently in the past. To that effect, a spatial model where the forest cover increases
from 38% to 69% was proposed as well as some pathways for a sustainable use of forest resources in line
with soil conservation.
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